Kendari City November 2023 inflation Year on Year (yoy) is 2.82 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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Kendari City November 2023 inflation Year on Year (yoy) is 2.82 percent

Release Date : December 1, 2023
File Size : 4.32 MB


In November 2023, Kendari City experienced year on year (yoy) inflation of 2.82 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 118.86. The highest yoy inflation occurred in Tanjung Pandan at 5.89 percent with a CPI of 120.62 and the lowest occurred in Jayapura at 1.82 percent with a CPI of 112.99. Meanwhile, the deepest month to month (mtm) inflation occurred in Bandar Lampung at 1.05 percent with a CPI of 118.64 and the lowest occurred in Palopo and Padangsidimpuan at 0.01 percent each with a CPI of 115.03 and 118.80 respectively. .
  • Yoy inflation occurred due to an increase in prices as indicated by the increase in most expenditure group indices, namely: the education group by 5.29 percent; food, beverage and tobacco group at 5.04 percent; transportation group at 3.29 percent; personal care and other services group at 3.22 percent; equipment, tools and routine household maintenance group of 1.19 percent; housing, water, electricity and household fuel group at 1.15 percent; food and beverage/restaurant provision group at 0.88 percent; recreation, sports and culture group at 0.68 percent; and the health group at 0.61 percent. The expenditure groups that experienced a decline in the index were the information, communication and financial services group by 0.96 percent; and the clothing and footwear group at 0.45 percent.
  • Commodities contributing to inflation yoy in November 2023 include rice, air transportation, filtered kretek cigarettes, cayenne pepper, cars, academies/universities, gold jewelry, white cigarettes, high school and household fuel.
  • On a month to month (mtm) basis, in November 2023 Kendari City recorded inflation of 0.17 percent, with the biggest contributors to inflation including air transportation, cayenne pepper, spinach, gold jewelry, red chilies, green mustard greens, bananas, kale, fish milkfish/sponge fish, as well as granulated sugar. Meanwhile, those that hold back the monthly inflation rate include rice, anchovies, skipjack/scale fish, catamba fish, trevally/tude fish, squid, yellowtail fish, rambe fish, mackerel/bumpfish/banyar fish/gembolo fish. /aso-aso fish, as well as powder/liquid detergent soap.
  • The year to date (ytd) inflation rate in November 2023 is 2.29 percent.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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