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Kendari City August 2023 Year on Year (yoy) inflation of 3.35 percent

Kendari City August 2023 Year on Year (yoy) inflation of 3.35 percent

Release Date : September 1, 2023
File Size : 6.48 MB


Kendari City August 2023 inflation Year on Year (yoy) is 3.35 percent. The highest inflation occurred in Manokwari at 6.40 percent.
  • In August 2023, Kendari City experienced year on year (yoy) inflation of 3.35 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 118.22. The highest yoy inflation occurred in Manokwari at 6.40 percent with a CPI of 122.04 and the lowest occurred in Jambi at 1.92 percent with a CPI of 116.37. Meanwhile, the highest month to month (mtm) inflation occurred in Manokwari at 0.55 percent with a CPI of 122.04 and the lowest occurred in Mataram, DKI Jakarta and Purwokerto at 0.01 percent respectively with a CPI of 114.15, 113.40. and 115.75.
  • The month to month (mtm) inflation rate for August 2023 was 0.02 percent and the year to date (ytd) inflation rate for August 2023 was 1.74 percent.
  • Commodities that contributed to inflation yoy include gasoline, air transportation, rice, intra-city transportation, filtered clove cigarettes, cars, academies/universities, white cigarettes, inter-city transportation, and gold jewelry.
  • Commodities that contributed to deflation yoy include flying fish/bengol fish, red onions, anchovies, spinach, Moringa leaves, cell phones, headscarves/scarves, mackerel fish/banyar fish/gembolo fish/aso-aso fish, peanuts long, and kale.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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