The Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) of Sulawesi Tengggara in Quarter III-2014 was 114.21 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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The Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) of Sulawesi Tengggara in Quarter III-2014 was 114.21

The Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) of Sulawesi Tengggara in Quarter III-2014 was 114.21Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 5, 2014
File Size : 0.22 MB


Consumer Economy Conditions Quarter III-2014
  • The Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) of Sulawesi Tengggara in Quarter III-2014 was 114.21, meaning that the consumer's economic condition increased from the previous quarter. The level of consumer optimism is higher than that of Quarter II-2014 (index value of 110.85).
  • Improved consumer economic conditions are driven mainly by increased household incomes, rising household consumption of some food and non-food commodities, and low inflationary effects on daily food consumption.
Consumer Economy Outlook Quarter IV-2014
  • The value of ITK Sulawesi Tengggara in the fourth quarter-2014 by the public is estimated to reach 108.40, meaning that the consumer's economic condition by society is expected to improve. The level of consumer optimism is expected to be lower than the third Quarter-2014 (ITK value of 114.21).
  • Improvement in the economic condition of consumers in the fourth quarter of 2014 is expected to occur due to an increase in consumer income and reinforced by an increase in purchases of durable goods by consumers.

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