Farmers Terms of Trade Statistic of Sulawesi Tenggara Province 1st Quarter 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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Farmers Terms of Trade Statistic of Sulawesi Tenggara Province 1st Quarter 2021

Catalog Number : 7102019.74
Publication Number : 74000.2123
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-5407-58-1
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : May 27, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 21.21 MB


The 2020 Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Farmers Exchange Rate Statistics (NTP) publication, which was published by the Central Statistics Agency of Southeast Sulawesi Province, presents data for the first quarter of 2021 covering five sub-sectors, namely food crops, horticultural crops, smallholder plantation crops, livestock and fisheries. Since 2020, NTP is calculated with the base year (2018 = 100). This base year change is made to adjust for changes / shifts in the pattern of agricultural production and the pattern of consumption of agricultural households in rural areas.
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