November 2023 Exports Reached US$491.31 million and November 2023 Imports Reached US$169,70 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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November 2023 Exports Reached US$491.31 million and November 2023 Imports Reached US$169,70 million

Release Date : January 2, 2024
File Size : 0.73 MB


    Sulawesi Tenggara Province with all its natural resource potential has opportunities in foreign trade which are reflected in export statistics. Export Statistics Data is obtained from the Goods Export Notification Document (PEB) from Customs and Excise department. Commodities that have been the mainstay of Southeast Sulawesi include: iron and steel as well as various marine products, whereas export destination countries spread across the continents of Asia to America.
  • Sulawesi Tenggara Province with all its natural resource potential has opportunities in foreign trade which are reflected in export statistics. Export Statistics Data is obtained from the Goods Export Notification Document (PEB) from Customs and Excise department. Commodities that have been the mainstay of Southeast Sulawesi include: iron and steel as well as various marine products, whereas export destination countries spread across the continents of Asia to America.
  • The biggest decline in Southeast Sulawesi exports in November 2023 occurred in iron and steel commodities worth US$56.58 million (down 11.64 percent) where in October 2023 was US$485.93 million, decrease to US$429.35 million in November 2023.
  • By Sector, Southeast Sulawesi's exports in November 2023 were dominated by the processing industry sector amounting to US$432.98 million (99.56 percent).
  • Southeast Sulawesi's largest exports in November 2023 were to China, namely US$429.79 million, followed by the United States valued at US$2.74 million and India valued at US$1.36 million.
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