December combined Year on Year (yoy) inflation for 2 cities in Southeast Sulawesi was 2.58 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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December combined Year on Year (yoy) inflation for 2 cities in Southeast Sulawesi was 2.58 percent

Release Date : January 2, 2024
File Size : 2.02 MB


  • In December 2023 there will be year on year (yoy) inflation of 2.58 percent in the combined two CPI cities in Southeast Sulawesi, with a CPI of 118.84. The highest yoy inflation occurred in Sumenep at 5.08 percent with a CPI of 120.82 and the lowest occurred in Bandung at 0.63 percent with a CPI of 116.16. Meanwhile, the highest month to month (mtm) inflation occurred in Ternate at 1.64 percent with a CPI of 117.18 and the lowest occurred in Bandar Lampung at 0.02 percent with a CPI of 118.66
  • Year on year (yoy) inflation in the two cities combined occurred due to an increase in prices as indicated by the increase in most expenditure group indices, namely: the education group by 4.97 percent; food, beverage and tobacco group 4.74 percent; transportation group 3.46 percent; personal care and other services group 2.42 percent; equipment, tools and routine household maintenance group 0.90 percent; housing, water, electricity and household fuel group 0.64 percent; food and beverage/restaurant provision group 0.61 percent; health group 0.59 percent; and the clothing and footwear group at 0.13 percent. Meanwhile, the expenditure groups that experienced a decline in the index were: the information, communication and financial services group by 0.88 percent and the recreation, sports and culture group by 0.16 percent.
  • Commodities that contributed to inflation yoy include rice, air transportation, cayenne pepper, filtered clove cigarettes, cars, academies/universities, white cigarettes, flying fish/franca fish, gold jewelry and high school.
  •  On a month to month basis, in December the combined CPI inflation for the two cities was 0.47 percent, with the largest contributors to inflation including air transport, bird's eye chilies, flying fish, red chilies and shallots. Meanwhile, things that hold back the monthly inflation rate include rice, mackerel fish/bloat fish/banyar fish/gembolo fish/aso-aso fish, moringa leaves, spinach and children's toys.
  • The year to date (ytd) inflation rate in December 2023 is 2.58 percent.
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