August 2020: Unemployment Rate (TPT) by 4.58 per cent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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August 2020: Unemployment Rate (TPT) by 4.58 per cent

Release Date : November 5, 2020
File Size : 2.66 MB


  • The workforce in August 2020 was 1,351,092 people, an increase of 42,441 people (3.24 percent) compared to August 2019, and an increase of 55,576 people (4.29 percent) compared to August 2018.
  • The working population in Southeast Sulawesi in August 2020 was 1,289,232 people, an increase of 26,598 people (2.11 percent) compared to August 2019, and an increase of 35,017 people (2.79 percent) compared to August 2018.
  • The Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) for August 2020 was 69.83 percent, up 0.72 percentage points compared to August 2019, and up 0.08 percentage points compared to August 2018.
  • The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in August 2020 was 4.58 percent, up 1.06 percentage points compared to August 2019, and up 1.39 percentage points compared to August 2018.
  •  In August 2020, 64.59 percent of the population worked in informal activities and the percentage of informal workers increased by 2.04 percentage points compared to August 2019.
  •  The business fields that absorb the most working population are agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, where the percentage of the working population reached 36.71 percent in August 2020.
  •  In August 2020, there were 38.84 percent of the population working partially (working hours less than 35 hours a week) including 10.49 percent underemployed and 28.35 percent part-time workers
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