Kendari City Consumer Price / Inflation Index September 2019 Experienced Inflation of 0.47 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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Kendari City Consumer Price / Inflation Index September 2019 Experienced Inflation of 0.47 Percent

Kendari City Consumer Price / Inflation Index September 2019 Experienced Inflation of 0.47 PercentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : October 1, 2019
File Size : 0.63 MB


  • Kendari City inflation in September 2019 was recorded at 0.47 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) 133.55. Nationally, of the 82 cities that calculate inflation, 12 cities recorded inflation and 70 cities recorded deflation. The highest inflation was recorded in Meulaboh (Aceh Province) 0.91 percent with CPI 139.48 and the lowest inflation was recorded in Watampone and Palopo (South Sulawesi Province) by 0.01 percent with CPI respectively 134.97 and 136.36.
  • The inflation that occurred in Kendari City was caused by an increase in the price index in the foodstuffs group of 0.88 percent; clothing group 0.71 percent; education, recreation, and sports group 0.68 percent; transportation, communication and financial services 0.60 percent; health group 0.19 percent; the processed food, beverages, cigarettes, and tobacco group 0.16 percent; and housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel 0.02 percent.
  • Commodities contributing to inflation are spinach, air transport, flyovers, network costs for TV channels, mustard greens, kale, skipjack / scales, cayenne pepper, milkfish, and gold jewelry.
  • Commodities contributing to deflation are long beans, vegetable tomatoes, anchovies, shallots, bloating / bloating / billowing / gembolo / aso-aso, broiler chicken, fruit tomatoes, young long bean leaves, garlic, and cooking oil.
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