Inflation of Kendari City in May 2017 of 0.68 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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Inflation of Kendari City in May 2017 of 0.68 Percent

Inflation of Kendari City in May 2017 of 0.68 PercentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : June 5, 2017
File Size : 0.66 MB


  • Inflation of Kendari in May 2017, recorded at 0,68 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 123,74. Nationally from 82 cities that calculate the inflation 70 cities recorded inflation and 12 cities recorded deflation. The highest inflation was recorded in Tual (Maluku Province) 0,96 percent and the lowest inflation recorded in Sampit (Kalimantan Tengah Province) and Bulukumba (Sulawesi Selatan Province) 0,02 percent. The highest deflation recorded in Manado (Sulawesi Utara Province) 1,13 percent and the lowest deflation recorded in Pematangsiantar (Sumatera Utara Province) 0,01 percent.
  • Inflation that happened in Kendari City was recorded as a result of the rising price index in the housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel group by 0,57 percent; Transportation, communication and financial services 0,11 percent; Health 0,05 percent; Education, recreation and sports 0,02 percent and finished food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco 0,01 percent. While the group that recorded negative were foodstuff group 1,19 percent and clothing 0,34 percent.
  • Commodities that contributing to the largest inflation are layang / benggol; kembung/gembung / banyar / gembolo / aso-aso; garlic; Rambe; Kale; cakalang / sisik; spinach; long beans; Air transport and bandeng / bolu.
  • Commodities that contributing to deflation are fruit tomatoes; red onion; Cayenne pepper; Cell phone pulse rate; Tomato vegetable; sugar; grapes; Powder / liquid detergent soap; Baby clothes and long eggplant.
  • From eleven cities on the island of Sulawesi, 8 cities recorded inflation and 3 cities recorded deflation. The highest inflation was recorded in Palu (Sulawesi Tengah Province) 0,81 percent with CPI of 131,11 while the lowest inflation was recorded in Bulukumba (Sulawesi Selatan Province) 0,02 percent with CPI 133,21. The highest deflation recorded in Manado (Sulawesi  Utara Province) of 1,13 percent with CPI of 127,31.
  • The inflation rate of Kendari City in calendar year (May) 2017 was recorded at 1,69 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate (May 2017 to May 2016) was 3,45 percent.
  • The inflation rate of the same period of calendar year (May) 2016 was 1,31 percent and the inflation rate year on year (May 2016 to May 2015) was recorded at 3,69 percent.
  • May 2017 National recorded inflation 0,39 percent, inflation rate (May 2017) recorded 1,67 percent and year on year inflation rate (May 2017 to May 2016) was recorded at 4,34 percent.
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