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November 2016, Kendari City was recorded Deflation at 0,22 percent

November 2016, Kendari City was recorded Deflation at 0,22 percent

November 2016, Kendari City was recorded Deflation at 0,22 percent Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 1, 2016
File Size : 0.75 MB


Deflation of Kendari City in November 2016, was recorded at 0,22 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) 121,52. Nationally from 82 cities that calculates inflation, four cities recorded deflation and seventy-eight cities recorded inflation. The highest deflation was recorded in Baubau (Sulawesi Tenggara Province) 1,54 percent and the lowest deflation was recorded in Kendari (Sulawesi  Tenggara Province) 0,22 percent. Meanwhile the biggest inflation recorded in Manado (Sulawesi  Utara Province) 2,86 percent.
Deflation in Kendari recorded due to the decline in the price index of foodstuffs 0,83 percent; clothing 0,32 percent and  transport, communication and financial services 0,31 percent. While the group recorded inflation are food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco 0,44 percent; health 0,32 percent; education, recreation and sport 0,03 and housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel 0,01 percent.
Commodities that contributed the biggest deflation was bloated/puffy/Banyar /gembolo /aso-aso; air transport; skipjack/sisik; layang/ bump; anchovy; Rambe; spinach; Kale; live chicken and apples.
Commodities contributing to inflation is of cayenne pepper; Tomato fruit; tomatoes; cooking oil; soup; men's cotton trousers; moslem shirts; red onion; white smoke and red chili.
From the eleven cities on the island of Sulawesi, two cities recorded deflation and nine cities inflation. The highest deflation was recorded in Baubau ( Sulawesi Tenggara Province) 1,54 percent with CPI is 128,12 and the lowest deflation was recorded in Kendari (Sulawesi Tenggara Province) 0,22 percent with CPI is 121,52.
The inflation rate calendar year of Kendari (January-November)2016 was recorded 2,93 percent and the inflation rate of year-on-year (November 2016 to November 2015)was recorded 3,46 percent.
Inflation same period of the calendar year (January-November) in 2015 was recorded 1,12 percent and the inflation rate of percent year on year (November 2015 to November 2014) was recorded at 4,43 percent.
National Inflation on November 2016 recorded 0,47 percent inflation rate (from January to November, 2016) recorded 2,59 percent and the inflation rate year on year (November 2016 to November 2015) was recorded 3,58 percent.

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