Sulawesi Tenggara Rice Production in 2015 reached 660 720 tonnes - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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Sulawesi Tenggara Rice Production in 2015 reached 660 720 tonnes

Sulawesi Tenggara Rice Production in 2015 reached 660 720 tonnesDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 1, 2016
File Size : 0.3 MB


rice production in Sulawesi Tenggara province in 2015 as many as 660 720 tons of milled rice (GKG) or increased by 3,102 tons (0.47 percent) compared to 2014. The increase in production occurs due to the increase in productivity by 0.23 quintal / hectare or up 0.49 percent although the harvested area fell an area of 28 hectares (0.02 percent).

Maize production in Sulawesi Tenggara province in 2015 as many as 68 141 tons of dry seed, increased by 7,541 tonnes (12.44 percent) compared to 2014. The increase in production occurs due to the increase in productivity by 3.23 quintal / hectare (12.81 per cent), despite extensive harvest decreased by 77 hectares (0.32 percent). In addition, Production of soybean and cassava respectively amounted to 12 799 tonnes and 175 095 tonnes of dry beans wet bulb
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