Crops Rice Production and Sulawesi Tenggara ( Forecast Figures II 2015 ) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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Crops Rice Production and Sulawesi Tenggara ( Forecast Figures II 2015 )

Crops Rice Production and Sulawesi Tenggara ( Forecast Figures II 2015 )Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 2, 2015
File Size : 0.51 MB


Angka Equipment ( ATAP ) of rice production in Sulawesi Tenggara province in 2014 amounted to 657 617 tons of dry unhusked rice ( GKG ) .
Angka Forecast II ( ARAM II ) Sulawesi Tenggara province in rice production in 2015 is estimated at 657 734 tonnes of paddy.
ATAP corn production Sulawesi Tenggara province in 2014 amounted to 60,600 tons of dry seed .
ARAM II Sulawesi Tenggara Province maize production in 2015 is estimated at 65 790 tons of dry seed .
ATAP soybean production Sulawesi Tenggara province in 2014 amounted to 5,691 tons of dry beans.
ARAM II Sulawesi Tenggara Province soybean production in 2015 is estimated at 8,136 tons of dry beans.
ATAP cassava production Sulawesi Tenggara province in 2014 amounted to 175 086 tonnes of wet bulb .
ARAM II cassava production Sulawesi Tenggara province in 2015 is estimated at 189 733 tonnes of wet bulb .

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