NTP index Sulawesi Tenggara in June 2016 recorded 100.65 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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NTP index Sulawesi Tenggara in June 2016 recorded 100.65

NTP index Sulawesi Tenggara in June 2016 recorded 100.65Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 1, 2016
File Size : 0.29 MB


Farmer Term od Trade index Sulawesi Tenggara in June 2016 recorded an increase of 100.65 or 1.10 percent over the previous month which was recorded at 99.55. NTP index each subsector recorded as follows: food crops subsector (NTPP) 92.40; Horticulture Subsector (NTPH) 93.26; Smallholder Crop Subsector (NTPR) 103.85; Livestock Subsector (NTPT) 105.89; and Fisheries Subsector (NTNP) 110.42. While the National NTP index of 101.47, down by 0.08 percent from the previous 101.55

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