Consumer Tendency Index ( CTI ) Sulawesi Tengggara in Quarter IV -2015 amounted to 106.06 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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Consumer Tendency Index ( CTI ) Sulawesi Tengggara in Quarter IV -2015 amounted to 106.06

Consumer Tendency Index ( CTI ) Sulawesi Tengggara in Quarter IV -2015 amounted to 106.06Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 5, 2016
File Size : 0.21 MB


Consumer Tendency Index ( CTI ) Sulawesi Tengggara in Quarter IV -2015 amounted to 106.06 , meaning that the economic conditions of consumers increased from the previous quarter. The lower the level of public optimism (pessimism) compared to the third quarter -2015 (index value of 110.64 ) .

Increased consumer economy driven mainly by rising household incomes and the rising volume / frequency of household consumption of goods and services.
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