Kendari City September 2014 experienced deflation by 0.13 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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Kendari City September 2014 experienced deflation by 0.13 percent

Kendari City September 2014 experienced deflation by 0.13 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : October 1, 2014
File Size : 0.86 MB


  • In September 2014 in Kendari City, recorded negative inflation (deflation) of 0.13 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 110.43. Out of 82 CPI cities, 64 cities recorded inflation and 18 cities recorded deflation. The highest inflation was recorded in Pangkal Pinang (Province of Babel) of 1.29 percent with CPI of 114.82 and the lowest recorded in Gorontalo (Gorontalo Province) 0.03 percent with CPI 109.62. While the largest deflation was recorded in Tual (Maluku Province) 0.89 percent with CPI of 117.57 and the smallest in Kudus (East Java Province) 0.03 percent with CPI 119.09.
  • Deflation was due to a decrease in the foodstuff index of 1.62 percent; clothing group 0.51 percent; 0.05 percent healthcare group and 0.03 percent for transportation, communication and financial services group. While the housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel groups; education, recreation and sports groups and finished food, beverage, cigarette and tobacco groups increased by 0.93 percent; 0.39 percent and 0.26 percent.
  • The commodities that contribute the largest deflation are skipjack; bloating / bloating; red onion; milkfish / sponge; live chickens; rambe; yellow tail; acid; anchovies and squid.
  •  Commodities that contribute to the largest inflation rate of electricity; household fuel; non-foreman; long eggplant; spinach; goring oil; tutoring; dress / dress; kangkung and beans.
  •  Of the eleven cities on Sulawesi Island, 7 cities recorded deflation and 4 cities recorded inflation. The largest deflation was recorded in Baubau (Southeast Sulawesi Province) 0.77 percent with CPI 115.31. and the smallest deflation was recorded in Manado (North Sulawesi Province) 0.03 percent with CPI 110.90. While the highest inflation was recorded in Mamuju (West Sulawesi Province) 0.71 percent with CPI of 112.54.
  • The inflation rate of Kendari City in the calendar year (January-September) 2014 is 2.10 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate (September 2014 to September 2013) is 1.05 percent.
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