Kendari City July 2014 Experienced Inflation of 1.82 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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Kendari City July 2014 Experienced Inflation of 1.82

Kendari City July 2014 Experienced Inflation of 1.82 Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 4, 2014
File Size : 0.62 MB


  • Kendari City Inflation In July 2014, beginning with the holy month of Ramadan and ending with Idul Fitri 1435 H and an increase in electricity tariff caused inflation of 1.82 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 110.69. Out of 82 CPI cities, all cities recorded inflation. The highest inflation was recorded in Bengkulu (Bengkulu Province) 2.92 percent with CPI of 116.30 and the lowest recorded in Maumere (Province of NTB) 0.13 percent with CPI 111.07.
  •  Inflation was due to an increase in index in all groups of each foodstuff category of 5.79 percent; clothing group 1.50 percent; food, beverage, cigarette and tobacco group 1.29 percent; health group 1.26 percent; housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel 0.52 percent; the transportation, communications and financial services group accounted for 0.35 percent overall and the education, recreation and sports 0.02 percent.
  • Commodities contributing the largest inflation were skipjack; bloated; air transport; Cayenne pepper; electricity rates; long eggplant; tomato fruit; milkfish / sponge; teri and noodles.
  • Commodities that make up the biggest negative contribution are cell phones; know raw; children clothes suit; banana heart; katamba; milk for babies; short cotton shirts; short shirts; T-shirts with no collar / t-shirt and t-shirt collar.
  • Of the eleven cities on the island of Sulawesi, all cities experience inflation. The highest inflation occurred in Palopo (South Sulawesi Province) and Kendari City respectively 1.94 percent and 1.82 percent.
  • The inflation rate of Kendari City in the calendar year (January-July) 2014 is 2.34 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate (July 2014 to July 2013) is 1.42 percent.
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