Kendari City June 2014 Experiencing Inflation 0.94 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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Kendari City June 2014 Experiencing Inflation 0.94 percent

Kendari City June 2014 Experiencing Inflation 0.94 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 1, 2014
File Size : 0.69 MB


  • In June 2014 in Kendari City recorded inflation of 0.94 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 108.71. Out of 82 CPI cities, recorded 76 cities recorded inflation and 6 cities recorded negative inflation (deflation). The highest inflation was recorded in Ternate (North Maluku Province) of 1.29 percent with CPI 114.28 and the lowest occurred in Tual (Maluku Province) 0.06 percent with CPI 113.36. While the largest negative inflation (deflation) was recorded in Maumere (Province of NTB) 0.72 percent with CPI 110.93 and the smallest occurred in Pematang Siantar (Province of Aceh) 0.09 percent with CPI of 105.04.
  • Inflation was due to an increase in the index of foodstuffs by 3.82 percent; health group 0,54 percent; food, beverage, cigarette and tobacco group 0.41 percent; education, recreation and sports group 0.18 percent; housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel group 0.07 percent; 0.03 percent clothing group and the group of transport, communications and financial services as a whole was 0.01 percent.
  • The commodities that make the biggest contribution to holding back the deflation rate are skipjack; Kale; overpass; red onion; rambe; anchovy; cooking oil; banana heart; squid and yellow tail.
  • Commodities that make up the biggest negative contribution are cell phones; banana; rice; Apple; leaves of ferns / spikes; board; powder / liquid detergent soap; papaya; cement and food cabinet.
  • Of the eleven cities on the island of Sulawesi, all cities experience inflation. The highest inflation occurred in Palu (Central Sulawesi Province) and Kendari City respectively 0.94 percent.
  • The inflation rate of Kendari City in the calendar year (January-June) 2014 is 0.51 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate (June 2014 to June 2013) is 4.21 percent.
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