The export value of Southeast Sulawesi in March 2011 was recorded at US $ 155.58 million, an increase of 745.08% compared to the previous month - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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The export value of Southeast Sulawesi in March 2011 was recorded at US $ 155.58 million, an increase of 745.08% compared to the previous month

The export value of Southeast Sulawesi in March 2011 was recorded at US $ 155.58 million, an increase of 745.08% compared to the previous monthDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : June 1, 2011
File Size : 0.15 MB


Southeast Sulawesi's export value in March 2011 was US $ 155.58 million or an increase of 745.08 percent compared to February's export of US $ 18.41 million. Meanwhile, export volume in March 2011 was recorded 2,319.80 thousand tons or increased by 295.96 percent compared to February exports of 585.96 thousand tons.
 In March 2011, Southeast Sulawesi recorded import activities with volume of 3.60 thousand tons or worth US $ 1.87 million.
 Total Southeast Sulawesi exports in 2011 reached 4,319.62 thousand tons or US $ 259.59 million.
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