Southeast Sulawesi's export value in October 2010 was US $ 106.41 million, up 3582.01% over the previous month - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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Southeast Sulawesi's export value in October 2010 was US $ 106.41 million, up 3582.01% over the previous month

Southeast Sulawesi's export value in October 2010 was US $ 106.41 million, up 3582.01% over the previous monthDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 3, 2011
File Size : 0.08 MB


  • Southeast Sulawesi's export value in October 2010 was recorded at US $ 106.41 million or a sharp increase of 3 582.01 percent compared to September 2010's export of US $ 2.89 million. Meanwhile, export volume in October 2010 was recorded at 689.78 thousand tons or an increase of 1 323.45 percent compared to September 2010's export of 118.71 thousand tons.
  • Export value in October 2010 was dominated by Iron and Steel commodity group which recorded 63.40 percent, metal ore commodity group, slag and ash 33.94 percent, then cocoa commodity and processed products (2.63 percent) and the rest from commodity group of fish and shrimp, the export volume is dominated by metal ore, slag and ash commodity which is 99.20 percent, Iron and Steel commodity group which recorded 0.73 percent then cocoa and processed commodity group (0.06 percent) and the rest from the fish and shrimp commodity groups.
  • In October 2010 there were seven export destination countries, namely Australia, Netherlands, South Korea, Malaysia, China, Japan and Hongkong. China with the largest volume of 1 603.79 thousand tons (94.91%) or US $ 34.58 million (32.50%), Australia with a volume of 51.71 thousand tons (3.06%) or worth US $ 0.53 million (0.50%), then the Netherlands with volume of 7.49 thousand tons (0.44%) or US $ 41.43 million (38.93%), and the rest of South Korea , Malaysia, Japan and Hongkong.
  • Southeast Sulawesi's largest export through Pomalaa port with volume of 874.10 thousand tons (51.73%) with value of US $ 85.87 (80.70%) then Kendari port with volume of 644.54 thousand tons (38.14 %) with a value of US $ 14.68 (13.80%) and the rest from the port of Kolaka and via Haluoleo Airport.
  • Southeast Sulawesi's total exports during 2010 reached 6 027.68 thousand tons or US $ 430.11 million.
  • In October 2010, Southeast Sulawesi recorded import activities of 0.01 thousand tons or US $ 0.26 million

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