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Product - Statistical Data

Government Finance, Fiscal and Public Sector Statistics

Number of Additional Land Certificates Owners by District/City, 2011


Number of Additional Land Certificates Owners by District/City, 2011

Last Update : July 12, 2019

Number of Additional Land Certificates Owners by District/City, 2011
District/City Building Rights on Land Property Rights Right of Use
Owners Areas (M2) Owners Areas (M2) Owners Areas (M2)
1. Buton 6 10 527 2 329 4 348 496 10 94 532
2. Muna 1 673 132 254 532 4 35 274
3. Konawe 2 1 083 4 203 73 178 534 17 53 649
4. Kolaka 3 39 097 4 086 6 121 820 32 73 462
5. Konawe Selatan 8 139 488 3 017 13 767 643 1 5 000
6. Bombana 0 0 1 201 3 137 307 2 8 053
7. Wakatobi 2 7 500 2 300 700 000 1 1 700
8. Kolaka Utara 2 5 020 416 58 282 586 0 0
9. Buton Utara*) 1 3 293 1 700 5 191 083 2 43 293
10. Konawe Utara*) 3 39 097 2 286 6 121 820 32 473 462
11. Kendari City 6 8 411 1 501 2 362 200 10 24 906
12. Bau-Bau City 0 0 195 1 216 124 0 0
Sulawesi Tenggara Prov.            
2011 34 254 189 23 366 174 682 145 111 813 331
2010 44 1 281 525 17 463 37 067 363 52 2 101 644
2009 15 19 318 38 753 167 060 519 109 1 830 257
2008 68 -- 23 415 -- 56 --
2007 51 430 974 12 343 93 597 601 82 383 619
Source : Regional Office of National Land Agency of Sulawesi Tenggara Province
Notes : *) Data are still merged with the Prime District
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