ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF EXTINCTION The Potential for Increasing the Performance of Small Micro Enterprises in Southeast Sulawesi Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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ANALYSIS OF THE RESULTS OF EXTINCTION The Potential for Increasing the Performance of Small Micro Enterprises in Southeast Sulawesi Province

Catalog Number : 9102062.74
Publication Number : 74550.1901
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : May 17, 2019
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 4.34 MB


The results of the UMK and UMB data collection of the Advanced SE2016 can be used as a basis for analysis and policy formulation. Publication of the Potential for Improving Micro Small Business Performance is an analysis of the results of the enumeration of Advanced SE2016. The purpose of the preparation of this publication is to provide an overview of the characteristics / quality of MSE human resources, the condition of capital accessibility and factors that affect the ease of accessing capital, provide an overview of business performance and determinants in terms of profitability, and analyze business prospects based on respondents' perceptions and factors that affected it. Thus, potential information that can still be optimized to improve MSE performance can be obtained. We hope that the results of this study can contribute to policy making that is right on target.
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