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The Southeast Sulawesi NTP index in April 2018 increased 0.96 percent compared to the previous month

The Southeast Sulawesi NTP index in April 2018 increased 0.96 percent compared to the previous month

The Southeast Sulawesi NTP index in April 2018 increased 0.96 percent compared to the previous monthDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 2, 2018
File Size : 0.45 MB


The NTP index of Southeast Sulawesi in April 2018 was 95.76 or an increase of 0.96 percent compared to the previous month of 94.85. The NTP index of each sub-sector was recorded as follows: Food Crops Subsector (NTPP) 91.18; Subsectors
  • Horticulture (NTPH) 91.05; Subsector of Smallholder Plantation (NTPR) 90,83; Livestock Sub-sector (NTPT) 105.19 and Fisheries Sub-sector (NTNP) 115,41. While the National NTP Index of 101.61 or decreased by 0.32 percent from the previous 101.94.
  • In April 2018, nationally 10 provinces experienced an increase in NTP Index, while 23 other provinces experienced a decrease in index. The highest increase was recorded in Central Sulawesi Province by 1.01 percent, while the largest decrease was recorded in Jambi Province at 1.77 percent.
  • In April 2018 Southeast Sulawesi province recorded a 0.36 percent rural inflation. This is due to the rise of the price index in all household consumption groups, namely the foodstuff category rose 0.52 percent; food, beverage, cigarette and tobacco group 0.37 percent; housing group 0.18 percent; clothing group by 0.39 percent; health group 0.05 percent; education, recreation and sports groups by 0.19 percent; as well as a cluster
  • Farmer's Exchange Rate Index (NTP) is obtained from the comparison of farmer's price indices to the price index paid by farmers (in percentage). NTP index is one indicator to see the level of ability / purchasing power of farmers in rural areas. The NTP index also shows the term of trade of agricultural products with goods and services consumed as well as for production costs. The higher the NTP Index, the stronger the purchasing power of the farmers.
  • The Domestic Stock Exchange Rate (NTUP) index is derived from the comparison of farmer's price index (I) to the price index paid by farmers (Ib), with Ib component consisting only of Production Cost and Capital Goods Addition (BPPBM). With the consumption of the price index component paid by the farmer (Ib), NTUP can better reflect the farmer's production capability, as compared to production only with the cost of production.
  • Based on the results of monitoring of rural prices in Southeast Sulawesi in April 2018, the Southeast Sulawesi NTP Index increased by 0.96 percent compared to March 2018 from 94.85 to 95.76. Farmer's Farmer Exchange Rate in April 2018 increased due to three out of five sub-sectors that built Southeast Sulawesi's NTP increased: horticulture sub-sector 0.91 percent; the subsector of smallholder plantation 2.86 percent; and livestock sub-sector rose by 0.81 percent. Meanwhile, the food crops subsector fell 1.40 percent; as well as the fishery subsector decreased by 0.12 percent.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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