Release Date | Â :Â | February 1, 2016 |
File Size | Â :Â | 0.56 MB |
The growth of industrial production of large and medium manufacturing the fourth quarter of 2015 increased by 9.05 percent ( y- on- y ) for the fourth quarter of 2014. This increase was mainly due to rising production amounted to 9.53 percent of Food Industry and Wood Industry , Goods of wood and Cork (Excluding Furniture ) and Goods Woven from bamboo , rattan and the like amounted to 4.87 percent .
The growth of industrial production of large and medium manufacturing the fourth quarter of 2015 rose 2.40 percent ( q - to- q ) for the third quarter of 2015. This increase was mainly due to increase in the Food Industry by 2.89 percent and Wood Industry , Goods of wood and cork (Excluding Furniture ) and Goods Woven from bamboo , rattan and the like amounted to 2.46 percentRelated Official Statistics News
Production Of Large And Medium Manufacturing Industry The Fourth Quarter Of 2016 Grew By 6.45 Percent
Production Growth Of Large And Medium Manufacturing Industry (Q-To-Q) Southeast Sulawesi Province The Fourth Quarter Of 2013 Rose 2.62 Points To 4.05 Percent
Second Quarter 2016 Production Of Large And Medium Manufacturing Industry Rose By 1.52 Percent And Small Scale Industry Rose By 8.58 Percent
Production Of Large Scale And Medium Manufacturing Industry On Third Quarter 2016 Rose By 6,94 Percent (Y-On-Y)
Manufacturing Industry Growth Third Quarter 2015
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