Release Date | Â :Â | September 15, 2015 |
File Size | Â :Â | 0.18 MB |
-Number of poor (people living below the poverty line) in Southeast Sulawesi in March 2015 is 321.88 thousand people (12.90 percent). Compared with the poor people in September 2014 amounted to 314.09 thousand people (12.77 percent), means that the number of poor rose 7.8 thousand people.
-During the period September 2014 - March 2015, poor people in rural areas increased 1.5 thousand people, while in urban areas increased by 6.3 thousand people.
-The percentage of poor population between urban and rural areas a slight increase. In March 2015, the percentage of poor people in urban areas to 7.24 percent, an increase of 0.62 points on September 2014 (6.2 percent). While in rural areas the percentage of poor people in March 2015 amounted to 15.19 per cent increase of 0.02 points on September 2014 (15.17 percent).
-During September 2014 - March 2015, poverty line rose by 5.97 percent, from Rp. 243 036, - per capita per month in September 2014 to Rp.257.553, - per capita per month in March 2015.
-In the period September 2014 - March 2015, Poverty Depth Index (P1) and Poverty Severity Index (P2) shows a rising trend. This indicates that the average expenditure of the poor tends to stay away from the poverty line and inequality of the expenditure of the poor is also widening.Related Official Statistics News
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