Farmers Exchange Rate of Southeast Sulawesi Province In July 2012 was 106.43 or decreased by 0.38 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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Farmers Exchange Rate of Southeast Sulawesi Province In July 2012 was 106.43 or decreased by 0.38 percent

Farmers Exchange Rate of Southeast Sulawesi Province In July 2012 was 106.43 or decreased by 0.38 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 3, 2012
File Size : 0.24 MB


  • In July 2012, NTP each subsector in Southeast Sulawesi recorded as follows: food crops subsector (NTP-P) 85.61; Horticultural Sub-sector (NTP-H) 121,47; Subsector of Smallholder Plantation (NTP-R) 123,31; Livestock Subsector (NTP-Pt) 90.39 and Fisheries Sub-sector (NTP-Pi) 107.90. Where the Southeast Sulawesi NTP recorded 106.43 or decreased 0.38 percent compared to the previous month, or was on the order of the twenty-fourth nationally. While the National NTP of 104.96 or rose by 0.07 percent.
  • In July 2012, 12 provinces experienced an increase in NTP, while the other 20 provinces experienced a decrease in NTP. The highest increase in NTP occurred in West Java Province by 0.44 percent. While the largest decrease in NTP occurred in West Kalimantan Province of 0.76 percent.
  • In July 2012, the rural consumer price index in Southeast Sulawesi rose by 0.72 percent. This happened because of the increase of price index in six groups namely foodstuffs group 0.94 percent; food so 0.75 percent; housing 0.20 percent; clothing 0.73 percent; health 0.06 percent; education, recreation and sports 0.66 percent. While the price index of transportation and communication group did not change.
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