Youth Pledge Day "Moving Forward Together with Greater Indonesia!" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara Province

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Youth Pledge Day "Moving Forward Together with Greater Indonesia!"

Youth Pledge Day "Moving Forward Together with Greater Indonesia!"

October 28, 2024 | Other Activities

Since the Youth Pledge, we have continued to rise in different ways, but with the same spirit: Moving Forward Together! Today, we unite not only through language and culture, but through real steps to build a more advanced, independent, and competitive Indonesia! 🌄💪

✨ Our generation has a great responsibility towards Golden Indonesia 2045. With creativity, innovation, and a spirit of collaboration, we are ready to create real and sustainable change. Because together, we are an unstoppable Great Indonesia. ✊

Happy Youth Pledge Day! Come on, contribute, be empowered, and move forward! 🌍

Click link below to watch 👇

#youthpledge #togetheradvancedindonesia
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